Use "transposition|transpositions" in a sentence

1. All Ciphers involve either transposition

2. The first indicator will therefore be the actual transposition rate by the end of the transposition deadline.

3. In intramodal transposition the transinformation is larger than in intermodal transposition, i. e. the dispersion of transposed angles is reduced.

4. Bilobe flaps expand the use of transposition flaps

5. A recent burst of transposition of Bot1 was observed in B

6. A rotating transposition that shifts every day of the diary.

7. For Contraposition in the field of symbolic logic, see Transposition (logic).

8. Bivalved palatal transposition flaps for the correction of acquired nasopharyngeal stenosis

9. Silbo Gomero is a transposition of Spanish from speech to whistling.

10. Comparing two donor-acceptor systems, " the proton transposition HA plus H2O... "

11. Congenitally Corrected transposition of the great arteries (CCTGA) is a rare heart defect

12. Finally, it would delay migration due to the time necessary for national transposition.

13. Cubital Tunnel with Anterior Transposition of the Ulnar Nerve Post Operation Handout

14. Renal Autotransplantation results in pain resolution after left renal vein transposition Left renal vein transposition is often the preferred treatment of nutcracker syndrome. However, pain returns in some patients despite surgery

15. The system relies on generation of recombinant Baculovirus by site-specific transposition in E

16. Traditional Baculovirus expression systems utilize tedious and time consuming site-specific transposition in E

17. The relevant procedures linked to the absence of complete transposition are currently on-going 6 .

18. Timely and correct transposition of Community legislation and administrative simplification are crucial to facilitate enforcement.

19. The Bifid cipher combines the Polybius square with transposition, and uses fractionation to achieve diffusion

20. The Bilobed flap is a double transposition flap commonly used in reconstruction of facial skin defects.The Bilobed flap allows for the movement of more skin over a longer distance than that possible with a single transposition flap.

21. Method: Leg medial skin flap cross transposition was used for repairing contra - lateral leg bone exposure.

22. The Bilobed flap is a double transposition flap commonly used in reconstruction of facial skin defects

23. The Bilobe flap is an excellent transposition flap for the repair of small nasal tip defects

24. Soon after her birth, five heart defects were diagnosed, the most serious being transposition of the great arteries.

25. This is accomplished by the use of new transposition methods, in combination with spectral envelope adjustments.

26. Regrettably, the rate of transposition of Community law by Member States within agreed deadlines is poor[9].

27. The pre- and postsurgical results after mono- and bilateral transposition surgery for abducens nerve palsy are reported.

28. Novel Technical Variations and Increased Adhesive Strength in the "Birdlime" Transposition Technique for Microvascular Decompression.

29. This process guides Turkey in the requirements for transposition of the acquis, including administrative capacity and enforcement.

30. We treated 50 patients (average age 47.9 years) with a stabilized subcutaneous transposition of the ulnar nerve.

31. 27 Conclusion Pedicled - fibula transposition is a choice method for repairing massive defects of tibia and femur.

32. Where appropriate, infringement procedures have been or are being launched to address problems of incomplete or incorrect transposition.

33. For details on the transposition process see Annex 1 to the Staff Working Paper that accompanies this Report.

34. The Bilobed flap has benefits over other nasal transposition or advancement flaps because it distributes wound closure tension …

35. While the legal transposition of Directive 1999/94 is now completed, work on its effectiveness signals significant shortcomings.

36. The Canonic Utilities plug-in transforms the selected region using inversion, retrograde, transposition or a combination of the above.

37. Transposition of both audio and MIDI has been added by Apple along with the ability to import MIDI files.

38. Asellate Property used in the fort hood area want to rendezvous? This blend is ready! cassareep Bilobed transposition flap

39. The Bilobed flap is a local transposition flap useful for the repair of nasal defects commonly seen after Mohs surgery

40. THE CAUSES OF THE CORRUPTION OF THE TRADITIONAL TEXT OF THE HOLY GOSPELS JOHN BURGON Of these classes, it is evident that Conflation has nothing to do with Additions or Transpositions

41. In many sectors (road and maritime transport in particular), alignment is very partial, resulting mainly from the transposition of international Conventions.

42. Congenitally Corrected transposition of the great arteries is a rare heart defect that occurs when the ventricles and attached valves are switched

43. It is simply not acceptable that Member States should continue to be permitted to effectively postpone the process of transposition sine die.

44. The Bilobed flap allows for the movement of more skin over a longer distance than that possible with a single transposition flap.

45. "Birdlime" technique using TachoSil tissue sealing sheet soaked with fibrin glue for sutureless vessel transposition in microvascular decompression: operative technique and nuances.

46. So, here's our set of confusion matrices, and we just compute four of them: one for substitution, one for insertion, one for deletion, and one for transposition.

47. Between different types of cyanotic heart failure there were clear differences: in all cases of Tetralogy of Fallot the metabolic acidosis was compensated by low pCO2. In 60% of the Transpositions the metabolic acidosis was decompensated.

48. The most commonly used flap was the Bilobed double transposition flap that is especially useful for reconstruction of defects on the lower third of the nose

49. Fourteen days after neurosurgical transsection of the abducens nerve, no restriction of abduction was found. The transposition procedure according to Hummelsheim was performed with good results.

50. Cipher: A Cipher is a method of hiding words or text with encryption by replacing original letters with other letters, numbers and symbols through substitution or transposition

51. 20 The phary-esophagus passage could be restored by retaining the mucosa, pectoralis major myocutaneous flap, laryngotracheal flap, split skin flap, stomach transposition and colon interposition etc.

52. 58. I shall nevertheless consider in the alternative the hypothesis that a new procedure was commenced after the expiry of the period allowed for transposition of Directive 93/38.

53. Mystery of a Cryptogram Solving Cryptograms is one of the more popular word games. Most Cryptograms are simply encoded with single-transposition keys, where one letter is substituted for …

54. The Bilobed flap has benefits over other nasal transposition or advancement flaps because it distributes wound closure tension over a larger surface area through the use of 2 lobes

55. Petrogale penicillata penicillata (2n = 22) and Petrogale penicillata herberti (2n = 22) both possess the synapomorphic acrocentric chromosome 3, which appears to differ from the plesiomorphic 3 by a small centromeric transposition.

56. The cost per completed interview should be based on the costs of survey design, data collection, data editing, coding, transposition of raw data to machine-readable forms, tabulation, or data analysis.

57. When I defined Chiasmus above, I deliberately generalized it as a transposition of elements rather than words, because a Chiasmus can involve the inversion of other types of grammatical structures, like parts of speech

58. The author analyzes Balibar’s reading by attending to its formal protocols and substantive arguments, especially the transposition of the Aporias in Althusser’s theoretical formulations, moving from a politics of theater to a theatrical politics.

59. Ambitio: The signature transposition - This effect is CRAZY and makes use of a very cool variant of the Ambitio gimmick! The Ambitious Coin - An INSANELY COOL idea with the Ambitio gimmick - a whole routine with a KILLER ending!

60. The Bac-to-Bac™ Baculovirus Expression System The Bac-to-Bac™ Baculovirus Expression System provides a rapid and highly effective method to generate recombinant Baculoviruses based on site-specific transposition of an expression cassette into a Baculovirus shuttle …

61. Report on new observations with respect to the effectiveness of muscular neurotisation (i.e., growth of preterminal nerve fibers from an implanted healthy muscle into the paretic host muscle) in cases of abducens pareses: in one patient a reinnervation was achieved although the onset of paralysis was about 7 years ago; the influence of the transposition (of the inferior oblique muscle into the paralyzed lateral rectus muscle) on elevation of the globe is rather unpronounced and, moreover, reversible; adhesions may prevent the success of the transposition as they restrict the motility.

62. Ambitio: The signature transposition - This effect is CRAZY and makes use of a very cool variant of the Ambitio gimmick! The Ambitious Coin - An INSANELY COOL idea with the Ambitio gimmick - a whole routine with a KILLER ending! Date Added: Aug 17th, 2013 MLA SKU: 520f1f758232e.

63. On a microeconomic level, Member States are called upon to extend and deepen the internal market and create a more attractive business environment through timely transposition of internal market legislation, a reduction in state-aid, and by ensuring rigorous economic, social and environmental impact assessment of new regulation.

64. Anencephalus and similar anomalies Spina bifida Encephalocele Congenital hydrocephalus Transposition of great vessels Hypoplastic left heart syndrome Cleft palate Cleft palate with cleft lip Tracheo-esophageal fistula, esophageal atresia and stenosis Atresia and stenosis of large intestine, rectum and anal canal Renal agenesis and dysgenesis Reduction of limb Anomalies of abdominal wall Down’s syndrome

65. Showing rare congenital malformations like transposition of the great arteries, gastroschisis, and agenesis of the corpus callosum with interhemispheric cysts we describe the up-to-date management from diagnosis until postpartum treatment as well as the important role of intense prenatal counseling in institutions like the interdisciplinary Fetal Board of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Heidelberg.

66. Where Contiguous here means not only Contiguous in memory, but also in the same order in memory as the indices order: for example doing a transposition doesn't change the data in memory, it simply changes the map from indices to memory pointers, if you then apply Contiguous() it will change the data in memory so that the map from indices to

67. 1 By application lodged at the Court Registry on 13 December 1988, the Commission of the European Communities brought an action under Article 169 of the EEC Treaty for a declaration that, by not adopting all the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to ensure the complete transposition into national law of Council Directive 80/779/EEC of 15 July 1980 on air quality limit values and guide values for sulphur dioxide and suspended particulates (Official Journal 1980 No L 229, p. 30), the Federal Republic of Germany has failed to fulfil its obligations under the EEC Treaty.

68. 12 Directive 2011/16 was transposed into Luxembourg law by the loi du 29 mars 2013 portant transposition de la directive 2011/16 et portant 1) modification de la loi générale des impôts, 2) abrogation de la loi modifiée du 15 mars 1979 concernant l’assistance administrative internationale en matière d’impôts directs (Law of 29 March 2013 transposing Directive 2011/16 and (1) amending the General Tax Law; and (2) repealing the amended Law of 15 March 1979 on international administrative assistance in the field of direct taxation) (Mémorial A 2013, p. 756; ‘the Law of 29 March 2013’).

69. In so far as the jurisdiction of the Irish labour courts is regarded as compulsory in respect of the period from 14 July 2003, the fact that employees such as the complainants are in a worse position is apparent also from the fact that – as already mentioned in another context (38) – they would in practice be forced to pursue two parallel sets of proceedings in order to obtain the protection to which they are entitled under Community law: the first before the ordinary courts in respect of the period prior to the transposition of Directive 1999/70, and the second before the labour courts in respect of the period afterwards.